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Painted lady in the wind

23 June 2016

Scabiosa columbaria (Pincushion flower) is clearly favoured by the haymaking regime, (co-)dominating in a considerable area and flowering for weeks on end. It looks fragile, reaching sometimes more than 1.5 metres in height, but it is really quite sturdy and can even put up with the occasional trampling. It attracts lots of insects, especially butterflies which don`t seem to have any problems with the terrible swaying in the wind, in this case a Painted lady (Vanessa cardui).

I will scythe this area when the Scabiosa stops flowering, probably in august.


Scabiosa columbaria se beneficia claramente del regimen de siega, siendo (co-)dominante en una área considerable y floreciendo durante semanas sin parar. Parece frágil, alcanzando más de 1,5 metros en altura, pero es realmente bastante robusto e incluso puede soportar algo de pisoteo. Atrae un montón de insectos, sobre todo mariposas que no parecen tener problemas con el terrible balanceo en el viento, en este caso una Vanesa de los cardos (Vanessa cardui).

Voy a segar esta area cuando la Scabiosa para de florecer, probablemente en agosto.

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