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Nettle trees doing well

29 October 2012

The European Nettle Tree (Celtis australis), so called because its leaves resemble those of nettles, stays remarkably fresh green all summer and slowly turns yellow in the autumn. There are numerous seedlings and young trees all over the terrain, probably due to the absence of sheep grazing and the clearance of brambles which I undertook in several areas. When cutting the vegetation for haymaking I try to avoid most of them.


El Almez o Latonero (Celtis australis) permanence sorprendentemente verde en verano y lentamente se vuelve amarillo en otoño. Hay numerosas plántulas y arboles jóvenes por todo el terreno, probablemente por la ausencia de pastoreo y la limpieza de zarzas que llevé a cabo en varios sitios. Durante la siega intento muchas veces no cortarlos.

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